Saturday, 13 January 2018

Free Fallin'

It wasn’t Jerry Maguire that got me hooked onto this tune, but it sure has been relevant as of late. And it seems that Tom Petty has been taking over the airwaves this past week, and I’m also okay with that.  But, it’s a different type of free fallin’ I’m talking about these days...

Male relatives, colleagues, and any creepy guys I don’t know, this is your warning to choose a different page.

One of the hardest parts of winter is how much work it takes just to get out the door. Add in a puppy who requires occasional, and dare I say, additional, visits to the cold out-of-doors, and this struggle becomes real pretty quickly!

When I wake up in the morning, I like to slowly ease my way into it... starting with a quiet cup of coffee and a few minutes to just be with my thoughts. But, I realize that one of my responsibilities as a dog owner, is that I must take her out to pee, and of course for a walk. And 9 times out of 10, I’m cool to do that while I wait for the water to boil. But there’s just one part of getting ready for those early morning releases that I just can’t stand. The dreaded bra.

Look, I’m in my cozy p-jams. I don’t want the cold air to change that just because I have to go outside. So, this past week I did something I wouldn’t have dreamed of doing... I’ve been taking Gertie for a walk braless. And it’s...been...awesome!

I know you smaller chested ladies are fortunate enough to be able to do this on a whim without the fear of public outcry, but that’s not a blessing I’ve been given. Taking to the streets, with only a few layers and my free flowing ladies is slightly nerve-racking, and yet it’s been freeing all the same. In a small and weird way, it’s been kind of empowering. I know it’s small potatoes, but really - why am I going through all the work to put on a bra just to take my dog for a quick tinkle stroll? It’s bad enough we have to countdown the hours until we are home from work so we can take it off!

- the Orange Canadian

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