Sunday, 11 September 2016

Make-Shift GoPro Kayaking Adventures

Well, my summer at home is quickly coming to an end. This was marked not just be the changing leaves I've seen travelling around the province or the cooler night-time temperatures, but by taking my final kayak trip before I head back to Uganda*.

I was able to enjoy a really great 2-hour trip as my final go. This was far better than the previous day's attempt - an attempt that didn't see me even getting the paddle in the water. You that saying put your best foot forward? Well, I didn't. This led me to a pretty comedic wipeout, resulting in many bumps and bruises. It also resulted in my use of a certain "firetruck" word a minimum of 47 times, while trying to get my flooded rig out of the water**.

Anyway, my 2-hour adventure was the perfect ending to a great summer of kayak trips in beautiful St. Margaret's Bay. And because I want to keep those memories close, I decided to create a makeshift GoPro and film a bit of this last trek.

Along the way, though, I caught some interesting sights. These included watching cormorants and loons swim alongside me, to witnessing an eagle swoop down in front of me in a failed attempt to catch some breakfast, to the interesting happenings under the clear water below me. Here's a few above water shots I captured.

Post-kayak wild blackberry snack!
Nova Scotia really is a pretty beautiful place to live (or visit). There are countless opportunities to explore such a variety of outdoor activities across the province. And while I don't usually miss this place when I'm away, I do love getting to engage with nature when I come home.

I'll close with some wise words from Canadian fitness legends Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod***:

Image source:
-the Orange Canadian

*Where I hope to upgrade my skills and experience from sea to Nile rapid capabilities. 
**This would have been a far easier feat had the act of pulling the kayak out of the water not involved getting it over a 5-foot rock wall... Which, coincidentally led to the majority of my bumps and bruises both before and during the kayak's removal from the water!
***Who were unfairly terminated from Amazing Race Canada...

1 comment:

  1. I really want to Kayak this summer! It's on my to do list! Beautiful photos and video!
