In a world as small as Halifax - and international development in Halifax, at that! - it was bound to happen the the three IYIPers remaining in Nova Scotia's capital would find themselves at the
International Assistance Review! Although I kind of figured we'd all be there, it also took me completely by surprise that my other two cohorts were there, one of which (
my gladiating opponent*) was at the same table as me!
After the lengthy day, we decided to catch up over a round of drinks and some dinner. This, of course, lead to shenanigans.
While waiting for the bus - and having all the other participants of the Review wave to us as they drove by in their mostly half-filled vehicles - Eric made a comment about how he had never been on the Halifax-Dartmouth ferry. Obviously this had to be corrected. So instead of taking the bus directly to downtown Halifax where our hangry bodies were planning on caching up, we took a different bus to downtown Dartmouth, and made our way to Halifax via the ferry.
A snapshot from our walk to the ferry terminal in Dartmouth, with downtown Halifax
on the right. I don't really know why this photograph is so dark - it was lovely outside! |
I was a little worried about how Eric would manage this big journey - it's a pretty lengthy 12-ish minutes, after all. But Nicole and I were there to support him and make sure he didn't get too scared. This of course meant we insisted he have his picture taken on various stages of the trip.
Pre-departure excitement! |
A nice little we're on the move shot, with downtown Halifax in the backdrop. |
But folks, don't worry - we made it to Halifax safe and sound. And with all that excitement, we had worked ourselves up quite the appetite.
Celebrating his accomplishment - crossing the Big Harbour! |
Just before I took this picture of the three of us, I made a comment
about not being good at self-photographs. Case in point. Also, I'm
pretty sure you couldn't find a more Caucasian trio if you tried... |
In all honesty, though, it was a great (early) evening. We laughed, caught up, and tried to grasp how Eric - who is not from Nova Scotia - seemed to be the only one of the three of us knowledgeable about Halifax! It also reinforced just how old we (
I) are getting - we had to call it a night a 8pm, and I walked home in my dress** and sneakers...
-the Orange Canadian
*It turns out he didn't let me win, he's just a wuss! Kidding - it was freakin' hard!!
**When we boarded the bus, the lady driving asked if we were going out for a night on the town, because we were all dressed smartly from the conference! Little did she know...
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