Thursday, 19 May 2016

An Evening with the Original JT

Tuesday night marked a special occasion - I stayed up past 9PM. This, might I say, was a pretty big accomplishment for me. But it was made easier by the presence of one man and about 15 000 people. No, I did not participate in what I would imagine to be the world's largest orgy. Instead, I found myself rows away from one of the most respected singer-songwriters ever - JT. And no, I'm not talking about that former boy-bander, who continuously rips of MJ, in order to generate massive album sales through his infectious tunes... Nope. I'm talking about the one and only, James Taylor. 

Some of you might be asking yourself, who is this James Taylor character? One individual whom I might share a house with indicated that he was once a guest star on an episode of the Simpsons, others might describe him as the man behind many of the songs we all know and love. And even if you are searching your brain for any of his tunes, believe me - you've heard 'em! (Seriously, just head on over to the YouTube and the in his name!)

JT has a calm demeanour, and a great sense of humour. He also sits on stools in the most oddly delightful way I have ever witnessed. But, in a room that sold out in under an hour, in many ways the three hours we spent with him felt like an intimate venue, rather than Halifax's largest arena. Check out a few shots below:

Aside from his stage presence, and the fact that he played for a little over 2 hours, he also spent the entire 20 minute intermission swarmed by fans, for whom he graciously handed out autograph after autograph, and permitted self-photograph after self-photograph. I thought this was quite impressive, given that he could have easily spent those few moments taking a rest. 

Although it made for a really long day, it was a good one! And how thankful am I to not have to work the following day!

the a sleepy Orange Canadian

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