Tuesday, 23 September 2014

The First Day of School!

Finally! After five, almost six long months, I returned back to school today - and back to a routine!

Note: my bed is still made! This is an Orange Canadian record!
Surprisingly, my nerves were not as bad as I'd have assumed. Perhaps this is because I was just super pumped to be doing something productive once again! And folks, let me tell you...it did not disappoint!

There are some pretty big differences between what I'm used to in Canadian institutions, and what I'm seeing here. The first major one is the amount of reading. What I'd normally be tasked to read in one semester is basically what we're required to read for each lecture. Secondly, lecture theatres were built for people 5 feet and under... And, third, those lecture theatres are far bigger than any I've sat in back home! One similarity I have noticed after this one lecture, however, is that I'm still old enough to be most of the students' moms...if I gave birth at the age of 12.

Anyway, one down, three more to go! If I can survive this week, I can certainly get through the next 11 and 3/4 months!

Yeah, it's blurry - I was excited. What are you gonna do about it?! 
-the Orange Canadian

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